Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Vegas Baby, Yeah!!

Ija is rockin' it in Vegas this week! Anyone who knows me knows that this is very out of my element. I am usually at home with my kiddos, working or playing in the park. However, my hubby and I are kinda lovin' a few days in "adult disneyland" as we have renamed it. We've been eating phenomenal food, soaking up the sunshine and of course indulging just a bit ;).

Ahh, fun times, but now it's on to work. If you're a buyer in Vegas for Market be sure to swing by and say hello. We're at Pool Tradeshow, booth 808 and we'd love to see you!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy Vegas! I actually just wrote a blog post with some great Vegas tips at the end - my favorite restaurants, martinis, pool scenes, etc. Here's the link if you want to check it out :) http://kinseymichaels.blogspot.com
