Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Where did "Ija" come from?

I often get asked, "Why Ija?" People want to know what it stands for and how that relates to me. When I was thinking of a name for my business, I really struggled. I didn't want something too obvious and naming the business after myself wasn't really an option, (my last name is Hasler :) ). So I started going through things about myself that I would like to carry through with my business.

I was raised by a diehard feminist. My mom was a single mother who raised three children while going to grad school and maintaining a perfect 4.0. She is amazing. During my childhood, we were often reminded of the phenomenal opportunities women have today that they did not always have, and that those opportunities were won by the women who came before us.

I went on to study Women's Studies in college and try to be as politically involved as possible. Right around the time I started the business I had seen an HBO film about a group of suffragists referred to as the Iron Jawed Angels. These women fought severe adversity to protest for American women's right to vote. Through their tenacity and bold antics, they were able to witness the Susan B. Anthony Amendment become law on August 26th, 1920.

There is no way that a tattooed mother would be able to run her own business in our society if it wasn't for the women who fought so endlessly for women's rights. I think we've come quite a long way since the 20's, however I think we still have quite a ways to go. I try to make a conscious effort to support businesses that are women owned and run and feel that if others follow suit our daughters will look back in awe at the progress made in our lifetime.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hello Kelli Interview

Be sure to check out my interview with a local Portland blogger, Hello Kelli.  It's a fun insight into a few of my favorite things and my philosophy behind Ija.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Welcome to Ija Designs

Welcome to Ija Designs! I will do my best to keep everyone up to date on what's happening with the company, exciting news, new designs and anything else you might want to know.  This is an extremely exciting time for me as we've been working endlessly to get the new website up and running and start moving forward in a fabulous new direction.  

I'd like to take a moment to thank some incredible people for their efforts, without which I wouldn't have made it to this point with a strand of hair left.  First off, my amazing husband for his unending support and encouragement, and also a few cold PBRs in the middle of chaos.  My children for allowing mommy to hide in her hole for hours on end and still smothering me with kisses when I emerge.  Ross Wordhouse of Wordhouse Creative who designed and built my entire new website, shot all my product photos, built my new linesheet and all in the timeframe of a millisecond; you ROCK! Red Door Studios for being such fabulous photographers and even better friends. Nash and Erica at Succarra for the push I needed to jump into the deep end. THANK YOU!!!!

Alright, here's to exciting things to come . . .